Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Free Event mood board for 3 lucky winners

So I am launching a bit of a competition, I will designs mood boards worth £180 for 3 lucky people who comment on this post, if you are planning an event just  comment below. The 3 winners will be drawn using a random number generator. Please ensure I have your e mail adress so I can contact you for information about theme, colours  required and your budget.
1st name drawn will have a mood board designed within the week, second will be the next week and the third will be in the following week.

So if you want a gothic wedding, a corporate launch party, anniversary or christening or something really off the wall comment and you may get some free ideas for "Your great event"

This is the mood board from  Launching Your Great Event post. all details of suppliers can be found in that post.
To find out more about our event planning services visit us at Rattytatty Designs

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Phil from 4N here. I think that you've made a good start with your blog. Do you have a picture of a Mood Board that you could maybe upload?
